Wednesday, August 11, 2010
In what way you can apply REDUCE,REUSE and RECYCLE
it to others.
Reusing is to reuse the garbages to use it for our own things.And all I can say is we should do it whenever we
throw our garbages.
Garbage Problem

Garbage litters most of metropolitan Manila as authorities grapple with the unenviable task of finding a dump site for the many tons of rubbish generated by the capital's 12 million residents.
The Philippine government, engulfed in a political crisis over the impeachment trial of President Joseph Estrada, is also working overtime to avoid a full-blown garbage calamity that may test the patience of the metropolis.
The garbage situation reflects the never-ending mess that buffets the two-and-a-half year Estrada administration. Problems include Muslim extremism, kidnappings, rising unemployment and protest actions spawned by accusations Estrada pocketed millions of pesos in kickbacks from illegal gambling operations.
According to government records, metropolitan Manila generates an average 5,854 tons of waste, 29,268 cubic meters, daily.
About 74.14% of the trash comes from households, 9.40% from commercial shops, 7.50% from restaurants, 7.60% from public markets, 0.80% from institutions, 0.41% from street sweepings and 0.14% from river clean up, the records show.
Of the waste, records say only about 4% is recycled, 6% is burned or buried, 25% is illegally dumped or finds its way into the sewers and nearby river systems and 65% is collected by authorized garbage collectors.
''The problem is where to dump these tons of garbage,'' said Visia Aldon, a spokeswoman for the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA). ''We have to look for ways.''
Finding dump sites for garbage has proven to be difficult indeed for the government.
The government needs at least 30 hectares a year -- and millions of pesos -- to properly dispose of all waste generated by metropolitan Manila residents, Aldon said.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ways You Can Help Clean Up The Environment

In segregating garbages,we should segregate in to two trash can.One for biodegradable and the other one is for the non-biodegradable.And of course we should implement the 3 r's.The reduce,reuse,and recycle.
We shouldn't throw garbages anywhere.And if your trash cans / garbage cans were already full,give it to the garbage truck but be sure that your garbage cans / trash cans were already segregated or else the garbage truck will not get it.
Don't cut trees.Cutting trees can destroy our Mother Earth.You can cut trees but be sure you will replace it.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer protects the Earth from the ultraviolet rays sent down by the sun. If the ozone layer is depleted by human action, the effects on the planet could be catastrophic. Ozone is present in the stratosphere. The stratosphere reaches 30 miles above the Earth, and at the very top it contains ozone. The suns rays are absorbed by the ozone in the stratosphere and thus do not reach the Earth.Ozone is a bluish gas that is formed by three atoms of oxygen. The form of oxygen that humans breathe i